Recognising and reflecting on International Women’s Day 2022
As part of our core values, the ETF Partners team is committed to uplifting gender equality in the workplace and celebrating the achievements of women. We consistently encourage the actions and behaviours that we believe will help drive diversity and inclusion in our organisation and beyond.
As an industry it is important that we continue to not only explore some of the inherent and often unconscious biases that exist, but also push the envelope to embrace real change. Only by addressing this head-on will we reach our collective goal of gender equality in the workplace.
Since the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day celebration is Breaking the Bias, we asked some of our team to answer how we can go about breaking the bias and amplify our commitment to gender equality in the workplace. From acknowledging our own limitations to ensuring diverse leadership, we share their responses in our latest Medium post.
Today and every day, we celebrate the promise of International Women’s Day: striving to create a gender-equal world.
Read the full blog HERE.