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ETF Digest

”Sustainability is so intrinsic to us that we have never thought of it as a separate issue to any of the decisions we make, no matter how big or small” — a Q&A with ELeather CEO, John Kennedy


14 September 2021


Hot off the press – our latest Medium Q&A with the CEO of ELeather, John Kennedy.

In this issue, John shares insights into his experience navigating the past 18 months, what makes ELeather such a dynamic company, and details the company’s mission – simply put, to create high-quality, sustainable products that consumers demand.

As John articulates in this piece, “We’re committed to minimising our environmental impact by making efficient use of the world’s scarce, natural resources and severely limiting our carbon emissions while creating the high-quality products that our consumers demand“.

Kennedy continued, “Our impact so far has seen us recycle enough leather to make 35 million pairs of shoes, offset enough energy to power a mid-sized town, and save enough water to fill over 18,000 Olympic swimming pools. Ultimately, our goal is to keep creating what people want and what the planet deserves“.

You can read the full Q&A HERE.